After the treatment, relax in Marvie

The fact that our polyclinic is located in the Marvie Hotel & Health allows our patients to combine treatment at the MediDerm polyclinic with a pleasant and relaxing vacation. The rich facilities of the hotel, as well as the wonderful view from the roof, will allow you to recharge your batteries while drinking your favorite drink. Whether you decide to undergo aesthetic surgery [...]

Interview with the director of the polyclinic, Dr. med. Sandom Perić-Sušak

In addition to performing all the regular duties of the director of the polyclinic, Dr. med. Perić-Šušak is available to patients every day as a specialist in dermatovenerology and a subspecialist in aesthetic and corrective dermatology. Many years of experience have brought her knowledge and skills, which is why many patients entrust themselves to her professional and responsible hands with confidence. What are the main areas of expertise of the MediDerm Polyclinic? The main areas […]

Medtronic Venaseal – New in the Mediderm Polyclinic!

A simple procedure under local anesthesia, without the need for tumescent anesthesia, lasting 30 minutes. It is performed throughout the year, suitable even in the summer period. The possibility of playing sports in 24 h to 48 h, without the need to wear compression stockings after the procedure in most patients. With one injection, glue is introduced to close the varicose vein. […]

5 anti-aging tips from MD. Mie Šušak Crnčević

Use the appropriate protective factor for your skin type. The sun's rays play an important role in the process and speed of skin aging, the development of various forms of skin cancer and hyperpigmentation. In our polyclinic, we use a whole range of minimally invasive techniques and methods to remove damage caused by the sun. There is a whole spectrum of medical treatments and peelings, with which we remove hyperpigmentation in just [...]